Safe and Easy Option for Semen Enrichment for Gender Selection


What Is Enrichment?

Enrichment of semen for x (female) or y (male) sperm
By fractionation of a semen sample

The enrichment of a semen sample for X or Y bearing sperm, at GametOgenics Corporation is performed on homologous (the individual's own) semen sample and/or donor semen sample.  The method employed at GametOgenics Corporation is based on scientific data. The procedure of semen enrichment for sex selection currently does not require licensure by State, Federal or Regulatory agencies. Currently there are no FDA “Cleared” procedures available for gender selection of sperm.  The technique is a safe method strictly applied for sex enrichment without genetic engineering. The procedure consists of five distinct phases:

  1. Routine semen analysis: A semen analysis is performed to establish fresh sperm count and motility.
  2. Filtration: A process that permits the recovery of a high percentage of motile sperm while removing any cellular debris and non motile sperm.
  3. Fractionation: The specimen obtained from Phase 2 is put through a continuous isolating gradient for the separation of X and Y sperm cells.
  4. Concentration and Capacitation: The fraction enriched with the appropriate selected sex is washed and buffered in an isotonic media, subjected to centrifugation and followed by swim up (a step that allows the harvesting of motile sperm only).
  5. The enriched sample is ready to be used for any of the following assisted reproductive (ART) procedure such as:

    IUI (Intra - Uterine Insemination)
    IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)
    ICSI (Intra - Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection with/without PGD (Pre - Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)
    Note: PGD may be used as well for sexing of the embryos.  Contact your fertility specialist for additional details regarding PGD.

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Scientific Application Notes

GametoGenics has submitted random semen enriched samples for evaluation by a contracted independent researcher, to evaluate the specificity of the seperation technique, for the enrichment sample of a semen containing X or Y sperm. The enriched samples were evaluated using the "FISH" assay (Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization). The assay (test) uses probes that have been optimized to identify the X or Y chromosome bearing sperm. 

The independent research group evaluated 32 enriched specimens, the results of the research demonstrated the following.

The specificity for the sex selected averaged 52% to 58% whether a specimen was enriched for either X (Female) or Y (Male) chromosome sperm.

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Why Sex Selection?

Excerpt from "The clinical relevance of sex selection techniques"
Published by: Zarutskie et al Fertility and Sterility Vo1.52, No.6, December 1989

"The sex of one's offspring has remained important historically and culturally... Prospective parents been pressured for centuries by these social and personal issues to attempt to modify the sex selection process. More recently, couples have attempted sex preselection by precoital douching with alkalinized or acidified solutions or timing of intercourse close to ovulation to increase the likelihood of a female or male. These techniques differ little from folk methods, which range from reciting chants during intercourse to timing coitus in relation to wind direction, rainfall, temperature, or phases of the moon (tides). In Austria, midwives often buried the placenta under a nut tree to ensure that the next child would be male... It is not our intention to discuss the moral or social desirability of sex selection.

Shettles made observations on spermatozoa and claimed that Y -bearing sperm had less mass than X-bearing spermatozoa and that Y-bearing sperm had a greater migratory rate... Various laboratory sex selection techniques that maintain viability of a semen specimen have been the focus of modern research. Many methods of sperm separation have been tried with little or no success.

The issues regarding separation of sperm are:

  1. Completeness of separation of the X and Y bearing sperm
  2. Quantity of specimen available after separation
  3. The viability of the sperm after separation
  4. The capability of the separated sperm to fertilize.

Four basic separation techniques that have been investigated are separation by:

  1. Sperm density
  2. Sperm motility
  3. Electrophoresis
  4. Immunological techniques...

Since Sumner et al* reported that X-bearing sperm contained approximately 3% more chromosomal material than Y-bearing sperm, attempts have been made to separate sperm by a variety of sedimentation techniques.

Early studies suggested that X- and Y-bearing sperm carried opposite electrical charges, and that under certain conditions separation could be achieved. Subsequent studies failed to demonstrate conclusive evidence that electrophoresis separated X- and Y-bearing sperm or that sperm exhibited different charges. Sperm separation by Immunological Techniques appeared impractical for clinical use, because separation resulted in a sample only slightly enriched in X-bearing sperm, but extremely low in viability.

There is a potential to combine clinical and laboratory methods to maximize the efficiency of sex selection for interested couples. Modern methods to identify ovulation may help the timing of coitus for sex selection. Scientific feasibility does not necessarily lead to the desired outcome.

* A.T.   Sumner et al., Distinguishing Between X, ¥, and YY-bearing Human Spermatozoa by Fluorescence and DNA Content, 229 new nature biology 231, 232 (1971);

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Please call or email for our current applicable fees.

Our Statistics Regarding Semen Enrichment

Real Time Analysis of Data for Reported Pregnancies

Real Time Analysis
of Data for Reported Pregnancies following semen enrichment

*January 2020 - December 2023

42% of the clients achieved live births using various assisted reproductive procedures.
67-70% of our Clients created embryos and/or conceived with the pre-selected sex. Conceptions were achieved using various assisted reproductive procedures.

*Please note that there is a 12-18 month delay between the semen enrichment laboratory procedure for X or Y sperm and the reporting of a pregnancy.


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Contact Us

Mountainside, NJ 07092

Services available in New York City at
The Sperm and Embryo Bank of New York, Inc.™
13 East 37th Street, 4F
NY, NY 10016


General "Disclaimer" for provided services
Client and Client's spouse or intimate partner, has been advised, acknowledges and understands that, GametOGenics is not able to, nor guarantees or in any way represents or warrants that the procedure of semen enrichment will result in a child or the offspring's sex of his/her or their choice.
And more specifically that the use of the enriched semen sample when used in an Assisted Reproduction (ART) procedure reproduction will result in a pregnancy.  

By appointment only
Please schedule your appointment well in advance of your Assisted Reproductive Procedure.
Allow 3 hours for the enrichment procedure to be completed.

The contents of this "Disclaimer" are to be considered to be copyrighted and owned or controlled by GametOGenics and service marks and trademarks. The content is protected by copyright under United States and foreign laws.